Posted by: Mark Vandermaas
The Communist Party of Canada called for Canada Day to be cancelled, and New Brunswick's capital city of Fredericton did exactly that. New Brunswick Freedom Project founder, Mark Vandermaas, decided to celebrate Canada Day on the steps of City Hall just to send a message that at least one ex-Canadian Forces vet/peacekeeper and his wife weren't going to let it happen without a fight.

Cross Canada News was there to take pictures and film Mark's comments.
After the protest we spent a couple of hours talking about freedom and the best ways to restore, expand and protect it. Glad to meet like-minded patriots willing to come out into the streets on a rainy day to help us send our message that Canada is greater than its mistakes.
Many thanks to those who showed up, and especially to 'Fred' from CCN. He has a regular show on Sunday nights on his YouTube channel.

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